Sunday, October 21, 2012

Augmented Reality in Contact Lenses

See the world like Terminator or have your navigation right in front of your eyes. That are dreams that can be true. Partly they are true. Babak A. Parviz a professor on the university of Washington already develops such contact lenses with a tiny LED in it. What we could do with this contact lenses is unbelievable. Not only that you can see information on your eyes but also it could be possible that a configured contact lens monitor your cholesterol, sodium and potassium levels and send it to your doctor through a wireless data transmitter. That is one possibility Parviz describes in his blog when he is talking about potential targets of this contact lenses.

But there are also problems in developing this lenses. Imagine you have to work on 1.5 square centimeter flexible contact lens and don't forget it must be save for the eye. So there are many challenges for the future but I guess it all can be solved. If you are interested in the whole blog post of Babak A. Parviz - here is the Link Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens

Not only the University of Washington is thinking of augmented reality in contact lenses also the famous company Apple is thinking of that. They have a project running called iLens. They are saying that this contact lenses should be for photographic memory, night vision, binoculars and a heads up display with augmented reality. Unfortunately I couldn't find a page with more information how the project is going or when it will be developed but I found a nice video which I wanna share with you all.


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